Agua Azul Sportfishing Charter, Deep Sea Fishing & Small Game Fishing
Big Game Fishing and Small Game Fishing In ixtapa Zihuatanejo Mexico on the Agua Azul Sportfisher Cruiser . Captain Angel Cortez will give you an unforgatable day trip , on Deep Sea Fishing you can expect catching , Marlin Sailfish, Mahi Mahi and More.
Agua Azul Sport Fishing Charter is based Zihuatanejoand will give you 7 to 8 Hours of Deep sea Fishing, and has capacity for 6 Anglers , . Inshore, offshore fishing This Sportfishing Charters is 36 Feet Long The Agua Azul Fishing Charter is equiped with:
Boat includes:
Twin Perkins Diesel Engines
GPS Navigation
Clean Bathroom
Live Jackets
2 Fighting Chairs
Penn International Equipment
Shade Cover
All Fishing Bait
Ice Chest with Drinks on board
Experienced Captain
Departure and reservation info:
Departure Time: 7:00am
Returning : By 2:00 PM
Location: Zihuatanejo Main Pier
Captain Name: Angel Cortez / 25 Year Experienced Captain
Deep Sea Fishing: Aprox 15 to 20 Miles Out depending on season, Marlin Saifish, Mahi Mahi.
Small Game Fishing: Coast Line Ocean Front, , Black Tuna Bonitas, Jack Cravell etc
Reservation Deposit: Requiered
Balance: Will be Paid on Board Same day of Trip
Total Price: $ 525 USD
Addicional requested: Box Lunches, Extra Drinks, more Fishing Hours,etc etc
All our prices are net prices including Tax, no hidden charges.
Cel-Phone From USA or Canada 011 52 1 755 55 64787
Locally Just Dial: 044 755 55 64787
