42ft Seaduction Sport Fishing, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo
Seaduction 42 ft Twin Diesel Yacht : This yacht can take you Fishing in the areas of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, this is a very comfortable yacht that can take you offshore or inshore fishing, mean time bay cruising and sunset watch along Zihuatanejo bay. Seaduction can also do some inshore fishing and snorkeling
Yacht includes:
- Bathroom
- Living room
- Lots of shade
- Flybridge sundeck and all fishing gear for inshore fishing and offshore fishing
- Plenty water on board
- 10 beers and 10 soft drinks.. you can bring more no.
Cost $ 625 USD
Total including Transportation both ways, hotel Pier-Hotel if you are in Ixtapa or Zihuatanejo Hotel Zone $ 650 USD.
To reserve, easy reservation with 100 USD deposit, balance will be paid the same day in cash when boarding the yacht.
The Yacht includes, all equipement nesessary for a day fishing, gear, bait, licenses, drinks and a profetional crew on board.
Reserve this Cruiser with just 100 USD .
All our prices are net prices including Tax, no hidden charges.
Cel-Phone From USA or Canada 011 52 1 755 55 64787
Locally Just Dial: 044 755 55 64787
